WeaveDB Demos
Connect Wallet
Zero Knowledge Provable
NoSQL Database
Hyper Extending Blockchains with zkJSON.
Web3 with Web2 UX is Finally Here.
Create DB
Use Cases
Decentralized NoSQL Database
Better Developer Experience than Web2
Smart Contract NoSQL Database
WeaveDB is an AO process, which is a decentralized smartcontract and all data are permanently stored on the Arweave blockchain.
Compatible with Firestore
WeaveDB queries are mostly compatible with Google Firestore, but the query APIs are simpler and more powerful in JSON formats.
Web2 Cloud Performance
WeaveDB achieves the web2-like performance and latency by being a rollup to AO. Each DB instance is an app-specific rollup.
No Infra Maintenance
Once your DB instance is deployed onchain, there is no maintenance required, which is a far better dev experience than web2 cloud services.
Hyper Optimized ZKP for JSON
zkJSON is novel encoding and zk circuits optimized for JSON. It takes only 3 seconds to generate a zkp to prove any JSON data.
Query from Other Blockchains
WeaveDB is an optimistic zk-rollup to other blockchains allowing queries from any chain, which hyper-extends blockchains with off-chan data.
FPJSON is a functional programming language in JSON format, which enables advanced access control rules for permissionless DBs.
Social Logins & Passkeys
WeaveDB allows crypto wallets using web2 social logins such as Google, Github, and Apple. It also integrates passkeys for biometric authentications.
Extensive Developer Tools
WeaveDB comes with an extensive set of dev tools such as No Code Web Console, CLI Testing Tools, WeaveDB Scan, ArNext React Framework.
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Use Cases
Supported Worldwide by Industry's Best
Who's Building on WeaveDB & zkJSON
tDB Token
Web Console